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Your Comprehensive IT Outsourcing Guide

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written byTech Partnerships & Collaboration Expert, EPAM Startups & SMBs

Anush has a history of planning and executing digital communications strategies with a focus on technology partnerships, tech buying advice for small companies, and remote team collaboration insights. At EPAM Startups & SMBs, Anush works closely with subject matter experts to share first-hand expertise on making software engineering collaboration a success for all parties involved.

Anush has a history of planning and executing digital communications strategies with a focus on technology partnerships, tech buying advice for small companies, and remote team collaboration insights. At EPAM Startups & SMBs, Anush works closely with subject matter experts to share first-hand expertise on making software engineering collaboration a success for all parties involved.

Welcome to our comprehensive IT outsourcing guide, where we provide detailed insight into this often misunderstood yet integral industry.

Today, outsourcing remains a key component across multiple sectors, with information technology (IT) being no exception. From startups exploring newfound business horizons to industry stalwarts maximizing their efficiency, businesses have been increasingly leveraging the specialized skills of external service providers.

This comprehensive IT outsourcing guide will cover an extensive range of topics related to IT outsourcing, from its core definition to the critical pros and cons and everything in between.

What is IT outsourcing?

what is outsourcing?

IT outsourcing is a strategic step organizations take to ensure effective business operations while maximizing resources. Simply put, IT outsourcing signifies the process where external service providers deliver IT-enabled business processes, application services, and other related services for business outcomes.

Standard outsourced services include software development outsourcing, data center operations, desk support, managed services, and IT consulting services. By outsourcing these tasks to experts who specialize in these areas, businesses can aim to improve cost efficiency and productivity.

Outsourcing also allows organizations to maintain a sharp focus on their core business operations, ensuring the most critical aspects of the business are not overshadowed by intricate IT tasks. This strategic move also allows them access to specialized skills or resources that may not be available in-house.


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Weighing the pros and cons of IT outsourcing

Like any strategic investment, IT outsourcing presents both benefits and potential drawbacks. Understanding these pros and cons is crucial for any business considering this route. Balancing the advantages against the drawbacks is key to successful IT outsourcing.

cost efficiency & savingspotential security risks
access to expertise and specialized skillsetsvaried quality of service
focus on core business operationsdependence on IT providers

Outsourcing benefits

First, cost efficiency and savings make a compelling case for IT outsourcing. Outsourcing can turn fixed IT costs into variable costs, providing a more flexible capital outlay. Businesses can adjust their service usage based on changing needs, translating to direct cost savings.

Secondly, IT outsourcing provides access to expertise and specialized skillsets that might not exist in-house. IT outsourcing providers maintain dedicated teams of experts proficient in multiple IT domains, ensuring cutting-edge solutions and services for your business.

Lastly, outsourcing allows businesses to free up valuable time and resources, enabling them to focus more on their core business operations. This increased focus can accelerate business growth and drive competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Drawbacks of IT outsourcing

However, there are potential cons to consider. When handing over IT functions to third parties, businesses share sensitive information, leading to potential security risks. Evaluating the IT service provider's data security practices and assurances is critical before entering a contract.

Quality of service can also fluctuate significantly, depending on the IT outsourcing provider. While some providers offer superior quality, others might not meet your business's standards for excellence and reliability.

Another concern is the potential overdependence on vendors. Relying too heavily on external providers for critical services might expose the organization to significant risks in case unexpected issues arise with the provider.

Understanding the forms of IT outsourcing

types of outsourcing

Our IT outsourcing guide presents perspectives for a strategic partnership with various outsourcing options. Those are usually divided into three main types: onshore, nearshore, and offshore outsourcing. Companies must evaluate and consider multiple aspects, including communication, overall costs, cultural differences, and more when deciding on the type of outsourcing.

Onshore outsourcing

Onshore outsourcing involves collaborating with service providers within your own country. The most significant benefit of this type of outsourcing lies in its convenience. Working with local providers means more accessible communication due to shared language and similar cultural context. Furthermore, meeting face-to-face with your team becomes much simpler. However, this doesn't come without its drawbacks. Onshore outsourcing is frequently the most expensive option. The labor cost is generally higher in local markets, especially in developed countries.

Nearshore outsourcing

Nearshore outsourcing introduces a slight shift from onshore outsourcing. Here, businesses partner with companies based in neighboring or nearby countries. This form bridges a balance of cost and convenience. Language barriers are typically minor due to geographic proximity, and there may be shared cultural aspects that aid in smoother business interactions. Travel becomes less demanding due to reduced distances while providing substantial cost savings compared to onshore outsourcing. However, assessing the political and economic stability of the chosen nearshore country is essential.

Offshore outsourcing

Lastly, offshore outsourcing takes a more global approach by hiring IT service firms worldwide, often in countries with lower living and labor costs. This form is the most cost-effective option of the three. The benefits don't stop at budgetary savings; it also offers a vast global talent pool. However, the challenges here are pretty pronounced. Time zone differences and language barriers might create communication difficulties, and considerable cultural differences may exist. Furthermore, the perceived distance between the outsourcing provider and the client may present oversight challenges, making trust a deciding factor for successful offshore outsourcing.

Regardless of the business’s outsourcing choice, effective communication, careful vendor selection, and diligent management are essential to developing and maintaining a successful outsourcing relationship.


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Which IT functions should you outsource?

Outsourcing IT functions has become a standard practice among businesses today. However, determining which IT services to outsource largely depends on your individual needs, defined business goals, set budget, and the capacity of your internal IT resources. Don't hesitate to explore these points in detail before making the decision.

Software development

Software development is one of the most commonly outsourced IT services for several reasons. It's a project-based task, and the results are easily measured. By outsourcing software development, companies can leverage dedicated teams with specialized skills like quality assurance to offer unnoticed insights and nuances. This eliminates the need for continuous upskilling of in-house teams.

IT service and support desk

Another common area that organizations often opt to outsource is desk services, which include IT service desks and help desks. Outsourcing IT support routine functions helps businesses save costs and allows them to focus on strategic IT initiatives.

Cloud services

As the complexity of managing cloud services in-house grows, many businesses are choosing to outsource these services. By doing this, companies can make managing these services more efficient, cost-effective, and secure.

Web development and ecommerce

The increasing trend of digital presence and ecommerce has led to the popularity of web development outsourcing. Web development specialists can provide quality work rapidly and within budget, allowing businesses to focus on other vital operations.

Data center operations

The data center comprises critical operations requiring specialized skills and knowledge. Managing data can become an overwhelming task for startups and SMBs. As such, many businesses outsource data center operations to ensure they function optimally with continuous uptime. Managed services providers specializing in data centers can navigate the complexities and deliver reliable performance.

Infrastructure solutions

Infrastructure outsourcing encompasses the management of critical IT infrastructures such as data centers, networks, and systems operations. Hiring an in-house team for such technical and specialized tasks can be costly and demanding, so many companies outsource.

Web app development

Outsourcing web app development allows businesses to access global expertise at a fraction of the cost. Whether developing new sites or maintaining and optimizing existing ones, it's often more accessible and more cost-effective to leave these tasks to external specialists. This also allows for shorter turnaround times, and resources can be scaled up or down quickly per project requirements.

IT security

In the face of increasing cyber threats, businesses must take the necessary measures to ensure they remain well-protected. Outsourcing cybersecurity to a reliable provider with certified security experts can help companies stay updated on the latest security threats while responding appropriately and quickly to potential security breaches. This leaves businesses with the peace of mind to concentrate on their core operational areas without compromising their valuable sensitive data.

Roadmap to effectively outsourcing your IT services

IT outsourcing starts with identifying your core business operations and ascertaining your IT goals. Once that's clear, the following steps can be followed:

  1. Align stakeholders and budget: Set the IT budget to bring your management on the same page.
  2. Shortlisting vendors: Create a shortlist of potential vendors based on your requirements and budget.
  3. Vendor assessment: Evaluate the vendors on your shortlist by considering their track records, the fit between your companies, and their proposals.
  4. Contract and SLA: Draft a comprehensive contract containing clear clauses for terms, conditions, pricing, service level agreements (SLAs), etc.
  5. Transitioning: The next step is to plan and execute the transitioning process. It's a critical stage, so it should be meticulous and carefully planned.
  6. Onboarding with your new IT provider: The final step involves onboarding the selected vendor and providing them with access to necessary resources, processes, etc.

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Costs of IT outsourcing from global service providers

Here is a rough cost estimate showing the general rates for different regions and IT services. It’s important to note that these rates are approximate and could vary depending on factors such as the type of service, the location of the service provider, the complexity of tasks, and the skills and experience required.

IT serviceUSA / Canada (avg. hourly rate: $50-250)Eastern Europe (avg. hourly rate: $25-50)India (avg. hourly rate: $10-20)
software development$100-200$30-50$15-25
helpdesk support services$50-125$20-30$10-15
cloud services$100-250$30-50$15-20
web development services$75-150$25-40$10-18
data center operations$150-250$45-50$20-25

How to choose a reliable IT outsourcing partner

Choosing a reliable IT outsourcing partner can often be challenging. Key points to consider include the vendor's proven track record, cost, expertise in new technologies, communication capabilities, approach to security risks, and references from past clients.

Here are a few pointers from our IT outsourcing guide that could help businesses find a reliable IT outsourcing partner:

  • Company’s reputation and experience: Look for companies with an established track record of delivering quality services within your industry.
  • Quality of services: Correctly assessing the quality potential outsourcing companies bring is essential.
  • Financial stability: Financially stable companies are more likely to deliver the expected results.
  • Scalability: The company should be capable of scaling its services per the demand.
  • Data security: The company must adhere to proper security measures to protect your business data.
  • The contract: Ensure all critical points are mentioned firmly in the contract.

Access managed services from a top outsourcing vendor

At EPAM Startups & SMBs, we offer various IT outsourcing services to suit your varying business needs. Our extensive and proven track record and commitment to meeting our clients’ needs make us an ideal IT outsourcing partner. Ready to unlock your business's full potential? Contact us today to explore the power of innovative solutions developed through successful outsourcing.


IT outsourcing has its advantages and challenges. Freeing up resources allows you to concentrate on your core business operations. However, choosing the right partner who can understand and meet your needs is essential. Paying attention to the finer details, such as contract terms, security measures, and follow-up and reviews, could remove some of the significant risks associated with IT outsourcing.


written byTech Partnerships & Collaboration Expert, EPAM Startups & SMBs

Anush has a history of planning and executing digital communications strategies with a focus on technology partnerships, tech buying advice for small companies, and remote team collaboration insights. At EPAM Startups & SMBs, Anush works closely with subject matter experts to share first-hand expertise on making software engineering collaboration a success for all parties involved.

Anush has a history of planning and executing digital communications strategies with a focus on technology partnerships, tech buying advice for small companies, and remote team collaboration insights. At EPAM Startups & SMBs, Anush works closely with subject matter experts to share first-hand expertise on making software engineering collaboration a success for all parties involved.

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