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hire .NET developers

Hire .NET developers and enhance your team capabilities with EPAM Startups & SMBs. With our pool of experts in the field of .NET software engineering, we’ll find professionals that fit the business needs of your project in minimal time and within budget.

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meet our .NET developers

Lead .NET Developer

As a full-stack developer and team lead with outstanding communication skills, Barys is responsible for overlooking projects and leading the development of serverless, microservice-based solutions, web services, full-stack projects, development of HTML, CSS frameworks, Bootstrap, and much more. His main framework of expertise is .NET Core.

As a full-stack developer and team lead with outstanding communication skills, Barys is responsible for overlooking projects and leading the development of serverless, microservice-based solutions, web services, full-stack projects, development of HTML, CSS frameworks, Bootstrap, and much more. His main framework of expertise is .NET Core.

Olga Sh.
.NET Developer

Olga has in-depth knowledge of .NET Framework/Core and experience working with ASP.NET MVC, Web API, SQL server, MySQL, and other engineering frameworks. She also has a good understanding of OOP concepts, DevOps, SDLC, and best programming language practices, making her a valuable team member and skilled talent.

Olga has in-depth knowledge of .NET Framework/Core and experience working with ASP.NET MVC, Web API, SQL server, MySQL, and other engineering frameworks. She also has a good understanding of OOP concepts, DevOps, SDLC, and best programming language practices, making her a valuable team member and skilled talent.

Yuri L.
Software Engineering Team Lead

Yuri, our software engineering team lead, uses his expertise in .Net, SQL Server, and Azure to guide his team to success. His technical leadership in .Net projects sets a high standard for his team.

Yuri, our software engineering team lead, uses his expertise in .Net, SQL Server, and Azure to guide his team to success. His technical leadership in .Net projects sets a high standard for his team.

Hannah H.
Senior .NET Developer

With vast experience in .NET development, Hannah is skilled in ASP.NET Core, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, MVC, and Angular and applies her expertise to projects in various industries. She is confident with data access technologies and creates web applications of diverse complexity and functionality.

With vast experience in .NET development, Hannah is skilled in ASP.NET Core, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, MVC, and Angular and applies her expertise to projects in various industries. She is confident with data access technologies and creates web applications of diverse complexity and functionality.

Akshay G.
Lead .NET Engineer

Akshay is a lead dot NET engineer with 6+ years of experience working on different stages of the software development lifecycle and applying various methodologies, architectures, and team structures across multiple domains.

Akshay is a lead dot NET engineer with 6+ years of experience working on different stages of the software development lifecycle and applying various methodologies, architectures, and team structures across multiple domains.

Aliaksandr P.
Senior Solution Architect

As a senior solution architect, Aliaksandr P. leverages his deep technical knowledge in .Net, Microservices, and Docker to design and implement innovative solutions. His technical competency in .Net is valuable in crafting solutions that meet client needs.

As a senior solution architect, Aliaksandr P. leverages his deep technical knowledge in .Net, Microservices, and Docker to design and implement innovative solutions. His technical competency in .Net is valuable in crafting solutions that meet client needs.

dedicated .Net developers for your team's success
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why hire .NET programmers with EPAM Startups & SMBs

When you hire .NET experts at EPAM Startups & SMBs, your team will be augmented with top-tier software developers who will be your full-time contributors working exclusively on your project.

3,700+ .NET developers

Plan and design applications with our .NET programmers for hire. On top of the expert-level knowledge of the .NET framework, our developers know how to successfully collaborate in fast-paced enterprise-level environments to achieve project goals.

expert knowledge

Hire dedicated .NET technology experts to get the solutions that fit you best. With expertise in solution architecture, systems administration (Windows, Linux), backend development (Java, Python, JavaScript, etc.), cloud engineering (Azure, AWS, GCP) and quality assurance, our team can enhance your product at every stage of the agile software development process and speed up delivery.

custom solutions

Find Microsoft .NET developers with the full-stack development and implementation expertise needed for your product. We approach each project individually, be it for mobile applications (native/cross-platform), desktop and web apps, gaming, or IoT software, and propose a solution based on a comprehensive assessment of your requirements.

understanding your niche

Our .NET developers for hire are chosen based on their background and knowledge of the client’s business niche, to deliver high-quality .NET applications that meet your expectations. Our specialists work with businesses of all scales and have experience working in e-commerce, fintech, retail, gaming, and other verticals.

how EPAM quality talent compares

EPAM quality talent
premium freelance services
small IT companies
in-house talent*
skill growth
startup clients
SMB clients
enterprise clients
vetted talent
proven expertise

*EPAM employees ready to join projects immediately, without recruiting delays

how to hire .NET developers with us

tell us about your project needs

Share the vision of the deliverables you expect

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Receive CVs and find .NET developers you need as part of the hiring process

get started with your .NET development

Begin working with your newly hired .NET team and seeing the results from day one


We found working with EPAM has been a true partnership, where they’ve proven themselves to be a reliable, trustworthy and hardworking team that has really helped us push the boundary of customer-centric innovation.


We chose EPAM to develop a native mobile extension of an existing enterprise application. They were able to quickly identify the needs of our project and collaborate with key individuals within our organization to not only deliver the application on-time, but make significant improvements to our existing core application.


The trusted EPAM team has helped us push the boundaries of customer-centric innovation. With programs like Horizon 4, we need the ability of our development partners to stay on track. And EPAM stands for that.

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.NET development services for your project

Hiring .NET developers with us, you’ll get expert .NET-centric application development and .NET migration across multiple disciplines, coming up with a reliable and competitive solution in each particular case.

.NET development
We offer top-tier .NET development services, crafting robust, scalable, and efficient software solutions.
managed IT
Our managed IT services ensure seamless and efficient operations for your business.
web development
With our .NET developers, you can build dynamic web applications and services for your end users.

need more capabilities? find them all at EPAM Startups & SMBs

Create a multi-competent team of front-end and back-end experts to develop your project from start to finish.

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pros & cons of .NET

NET, developed by Microsoft, is a software framework that provides a platform for building and running applications. It offers several advantages and disadvantages. Let's explore the pros and cons of .NET:

pros of .NET:

  • Cross-platform compatibility: With the introduction of .NET Core, .NET became cross-platform, enabling developers to build applications that can run on Windows, macOS, and Linux. This flexibility allows for broader reach and deployment options.
  • Broad language support: .NET supports multiple programming languages, including C#, Visual Basic, F#, and more. This flexibility enables developers to choose the language they are most comfortable with or that best suits the project requirements.
  • Large standard library: .NET provides a comprehensive standard library known as the .NET Framework Class Library (FCL). It offers a vast collection of pre-built classes and APIs, making development faster and easier by providing ready-to-use functionality for common tasks.
  • Robust development tools: Microsoft provides powerful integrated development environments (IDEs) like Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code for building .NET applications. These tools offer extensive features, such as code completion, debugging, profiling, and project management, enhancing developer productivity.
  • Strong community support: .NET has a large and active community of developers. This community provides support, resources, and libraries, making it easier to find solutions, learn from others, and collaborate on projects.
  • Scalability and performance: .NET applications are known for their scalability and performance. The framework is designed to handle large-scale enterprise applications and can efficiently utilize system resources.

cons of .NET:

  • Windows-centric legacy: .NET originated on Windows and has a strong legacy tied to the Windows ecosystem. Although .NET Core improved cross-platform compatibility, some Windows-specific features and dependencies may still exist, limiting its use in certain environments.
  • Memory consumption: Historically, .NET applications have been criticized for their higher memory consumption compared to some other frameworks. While improvements have been made, memory usage can still be a consideration, especially for resource-constrained environments.
  • Limited mobile development options: While .NET supports mobile application development through frameworks like Xamarin, it does not have the same level of market share or developer community as some dedicated mobile development platforms like Android (Java/Kotlin) or iOS (Swift/Objective-C).
  • Vendor dependence: As .NET is developed and maintained by Microsoft, there is a degree of vendor dependence. This can be a concern for organizations that prefer open-source or platform-independent solutions.
  • Compatibility and versioning challenges: With the evolution of .NET and the introduction of .NET Core, there have been compatibility challenges between different versions of the framework. Migrating existing applications or integrating with libraries built on different versions can require effort and careful management.

when to use .NET and when not to use it

Knowing when to use .NET and when not to use it depends on various factors, including the project requirements, team expertise, ecosystem compatibility, and target platform. Here are some scenarios that can help you determine when to use .NET and when to consider alternative options:

when to use .NET:

  • Windows desktop or server applications: If you're developing applications primarily for the Windows platform, .NET is a strong choice. Its integration with the Windows ecosystem and extensive Windows-specific libraries and APIs make it well-suited for this purpose.
  • Enterprise web applications: .NET is often used for developing large-scale web applications that require robustness, scalability, and integration with existing enterprise systems. The combination of .NET's framework, tools like ASP.NET, and libraries like Entity Framework make it a solid choice for these scenarios.
  • Cross-platform applications: With the introduction of .NET Core, you can develop cross-platform applications that run on Windows, macOS, and Linux. If your project requires targeting multiple platforms, .NET Core provides a unified framework for achieving this goal.
  • Existing .NET ecosystem: If you have an established codebase, libraries, or expertise in .NET, it makes sense to continue using it for new projects. Leveraging existing resources and knowledge can lead to faster development and easier maintenance.

when not to use .NET:

  • Mobile application development: While .NET offers frameworks like Xamarin for mobile app development, dedicated platforms like Android (Java/Kotlin) and iOS (Swift/Objective-C) have larger developer communities, better tooling, and wider ecosystem support. If mobile development is your primary focus, these platforms might be more suitable.
  • Real-time and low-latency systems: If you're building applications that require real-time processing or extremely low latency, such as high-frequency trading systems or real-time data analytics, frameworks like .NET might not be the best choice. Other languages or frameworks, such as C++, Rust, or specialized frameworks like Apache Kafka, might offer better performance for these use cases.
  • Open-source or platform independence requirements: If your project has strict requirements for open-source software or platform independence, .NET might not be the ideal choice. While .NET Core is open source and cross-platform, some Windows-specific dependencies or licensing concerns might still be a consideration.
  • Resource-constrained environments: If you're developing for resource-constrained environments, such as embedded systems or IoT devices with limited processing power or memory, .NET might not be the most efficient choice. Frameworks or languages that provide better control over system resources, like C or C++, might be more suitable in such cases.
  • Minimalist or lightweight applications: If your project requires building small, lightweight applications or scripts, .NET might introduce unnecessary overhead due to its comprehensive framework and associated dependencies. In these cases, languages like Python, JavaScript, or Go might be more appropriate.

ASP.NET framework

ASP.NET is a web development framework within the .NET ecosystem that allows developers to build dynamic and interactive web applications. It provides a powerful set of tools, libraries, and frameworks for creating web-based solutions. Here are some key aspects of ASP.NET:

  • Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture: ASP.NET follows the MVC architectural pattern consisting of three main components: the model (data and business logic), the view (user interface), and the controller (handles user requests and orchestrates the flow). This separation of concerns promotes maintainability, testability, and code organization.
  • Server-side execution: ASP.NET is a server-side framework, meaning that the application logic runs on the server and generates HTML or other output that is sent to the client's web browser. This approach provides a high level of control, security, and scalability.
  • Rich set of libraries and frameworks: ASP.NET provides a wide range of libraries and frameworks that simplify common web development tasks. These include ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET Razor Pages, each offering different approaches to building web applications.
  • Integration with other .NET technologies: ASP.NET seamlessly integrates with other components of the .NET ecosystem, such as the .NET Framework Class Library (FCL), Entity Framework for data access, and the C# or Visual Basic programming languages. This integration facilitates code reuse, access to a vast array of functionality, and easy integration with existing .NET solutions.
  • Extensibility and customization: ASP.NET allows developers to extend and customize its functionality through various mechanisms. This includes creating custom controls, implementing middleware components, and utilizing third-party libraries and frameworks.
  • Developer productivity: ASP.NET offers extensive tooling support, including the Visual Studio IDE, which provides features like code completion, debugging, and scaffolding for rapid application development. Additionally, ASP.NET benefits from the broader ecosystem of the .NET platform, including NuGet package manager, which allows easy integration of third-party libraries.
  • Security features: ASP.NET incorporates security features to help protect web applications from common vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). It includes built-in mechanisms for authentication and authorization, as well as features like input validation and output encoding to prevent common security risks.
  • Scalability and performance: ASP.NET is known for its scalability and performance characteristics. It can efficiently handle high loads and large-scale applications, leveraging features like caching, session management, and load balancing.

However, it's worth noting that ASP.NET, particularly the older ASP.NET Web Forms, can be seen as a more heavyweight framework compared to lightweight alternatives like Node.js or Ruby on Rails. Additionally, while ASP.NET Core has made significant improvements in terms of performance and cross-platform compatibility, the transition from older ASP.NET versions to ASP.NET Core may involve migration challenges for existing applications.

Overall, ASP.NET provides a robust and feature-rich framework for building web applications within the .NET ecosystem. Its extensive tooling, integration with other .NET technologies, and focus on developer productivity make it a popular choice for web development.

the role of a .NET developer

A .NET developer is a software professional who specializes in developing applications using the .NET framework. They play a crucial role in designing, implementing, and maintaining various types of software solutions, leveraging the features and capabilities provided by .NET. Here are some key responsibilities and tasks performed by .NET developers:

  • Application development using .NET technologies.
  • Analyzing requirements and translating them into technical specifications.
  • Designing and architecting software solutions.
  • Writing code in languages like C#, Visual Basic, or F#.
  • Testing and debugging applications.
  • Collaborating with teams and stakeholders.
  • Maintaining and supporting deployed applications.
  • Continuous learning and staying updated with .NET ecosystem advancements.

Overall, the role of a .NET developer encompasses the end-to-end process of software development, from requirements gathering to deployment and maintenance. They combine their programming skills, problem-solving abilities, and knowledge of the .NET framework to create reliable, scalable, and efficient applications that meet the needs of businesses and users.

hard skills of a .NET programmer

Here's a breakdown of the hard skills categorized by junior, middle, senior, and team lead levels:

junior .NET programmer:

  • Proficiency in programming languages like C#, Visual Basic, or F#.
  • Understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts.
  • Knowledge of basic .NET frameworks and libraries.
  • Familiarity with web development concepts and technologies, such as ASP.NET and HTML/CSS.
  • Basic understanding of relational databases and SQL.
  • Experience with version control systems like Git.
  • Basic knowledge of software development lifecycle (SDLC) and agile methodologies.

middle .NET programmer:

  • Strong command of C# and the .NET framework.
  • Proficiency in ASP.NET for web development and/or Windows Forms/WPF for desktop application development.
  • Experience with database technologies like SQL Server or MySQL.
  • Knowledge of web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Understanding of software design patterns and best practices.
  • Familiarity with unit testing frameworks like NUnit or MSTest.
  • Ability to work with APIs and web services (RESTful, SOAP).
  • Experience with debugging and troubleshooting.

senior .NET programmer:

  • In-depth knowledge of C# and the .NET framework, including advanced language features and performance optimization techniques.
  • Expertise in ASP.NET MVC or ASP.NET Core for building scalable web applications.
  • Proficiency in working with advanced database concepts, including query optimization and ORM frameworks like Entity Framework.
  • Experience with advanced web technologies, such as JavaScript frameworks/libraries (e.g., Angular, React, or Vue.js) and CSS preprocessors.
  • Advanced knowledge of software architecture and design patterns.
  • Experience with cloud platforms and services like Azure or AWS.
  • Knowledge of software testing methodologies, including automated testing and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.
  • Ability to lead and mentor junior developers, review code, and provide technical guidance.

team lead .NET programmer:

  • Extensive experience with full-stack .NET development, covering frontend, backend, and database components.
  • Advanced knowledge of architectural design and ability to design scalable, maintainable, and high-performance systems.
  • Strong understanding of software project management, including requirements gathering, estimation, and task planning.
  • Ability to lead a development team, manage priorities, and coordinate project timelines.
  • Proficiency in software documentation, code reviews, and establishing coding standards.
  • Experience with DevOps practices, including infrastructure as code, containerization, and deployment automation.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills for effective collaboration with stakeholders and team members.

soft skills of a .NET developer

Here are some of the soft skills that complement the technical abilities of a .NET developer and contribute to their effectiveness in collaborating with others, delivering quality software solutions, and adapting to the evolving needs of projects and organizations.

  • Problem-solving
  • Communication
  • Adaptability
  • Teamwork
  • Attention to detail
  • Time management
  • Continuous learning
  • Creativity
  • Professionalism

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