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why hire React.js developers with EPAM Startups & SMBs

React.js developers at EPAM Startups & SMBs provide their expertise to projects internationally. When you hire React JS developers with EPAM Startups & SMBs, you build a team that fits your requirements to deliver quality results.

8,500+ React.js developers

With thousands of React JS developers for hire, our specialists can start working on your project in the shortest time possible. Our talents are not freelancers but dedicated React.js developers assigned to your project exclusively.

EPAM quality

Hire a React JS developer or a team experienced in working on top projects. When you hire React JS programmers from EPAM Startups & SMBs, you can be sure to get a team with advanced knowledge in the type of product you’re working on.

experts in remote work

We have more than 25 years of experience working with talents remotely all over the world. As experts in their field, our highly skilled development teams work with clients in a variety of time zones and have access to our mature remote collaboration infrastructure powering our delivery processes.

tech knowledge specific to your niche

At EPAM Startups & SMBs, you can find React.js programmers with software engineering experience in fintech, edtech, retail, gaming, and many other verticals, who have worked with and handled your type of Reactjs project requirements.

how to hire React.js developers with EPAM Startups & SMBs

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Choose the best-matching candidates from our pre-selected list of React.js professionals

start your project

Hire React JS experts and start your project with full-time talents within weeks

explore React.js services with EPAM Startups & SMBs

When you hire ReactJS developers with us, they will accelerate your project with proven experience with the open-source libraries and personalized solutions.

web development
When you hire a ReactJS developer or a team, our develops personalized web applications and provides development services to align with your business goals.
custom software development
Automate your business processes, create better user experiences, build single page applications or incorporate cross-platform UI/UX design solutions.
SaaS app development
Our React.js programmers deliver quality SaaS development services to transform your ideas into successful products.

do you want to add more tech stacks to your project?

Upscale your team capabilities with our specialists well-versed in 15+ tech disciplines. Our multi-competent teams are ready to deliver end-to-end user-friendly business solutions providing project managers, front-end, back-end, database, cloud, DevOps, full stack, and quality assurance services and following the industry’s best practices.

you are in good company

We at EPAM Startups & SMBs are happy to deliver excellent results and prove our expertise time and again with clients that range from small and medium to enterprise-size businesses.


We found working with EPAM has been a true partnership, where they’ve proven themselves to be a reliable, trustworthy and hardworking team that has really helped us push the boundary of customer-centric innovation.

Zac Carman Managing Director Products, Consumer Affairs

The trusted EPAM team has helped us push the boundaries of customer-centric innovation. With programs like Horizon 4, we need the ability of our development partners to stay on track. And EPAM stands for that.

Mark Giesbers Managing Director Products, Liberty Global

We chose EPAM to develop a native mobile extension of an existing enterprise application. They were able to quickly identify the needs of our project and collaborate with key individuals within our organization to not only deliver the application on-time, but make significant improvements to our existing core application.

Justin Catalana CEO, Fort Point Beer Company
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pros & cons of React.js

React.js is a popular JavaScript library among developers due to its component-based architecture and efficient rendering. However, like any technology, React.js has its own set of pros and cons. Here are some of the main ones:

pros of React.js:

  • Component-based architecture: React.js follows a modular approach, where the user interface is divided into reusable components. This allows for better code organization, reusability, and maintainability.
  • Virtual DOM: React.js uses a virtual Document Object Model (DOM), which is an in-memory representation of the actual DOM. By updating and manipulating the virtual DOM, React minimizes the number of direct manipulations to the real DOM, resulting in improved performance and faster rendering.
  • Unidirectional data flow: React follows a unidirectional data flow where data flows in a single direction, from parent to child components. This makes it easier to understand and debug the application's state changes.
  • React Native: React.js can be used in combination with React Native to develop mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms. This allows developers to reuse code and skills, reducing development time and effort.
  • Large ecosystem and community support: React.js has a vast ecosystem of libraries, tools, and community support. This means that developers have access to a wide range of resources, documentation, and third-party packages, making development more efficient.

cons of React.js:

  • Steep learning curve: React.js can have a steep learning curve, especially for developers who are new to JavaScript frameworks. It introduces new concepts and requires understanding of JSX (JavaScript XML) syntax, virtual DOM, and component lifecycle.
  • Boilerplate code: React.js often requires writing additional code for features like routing, form handling, and state management. While there are libraries available to simplify these tasks, setting up a React project may involve more initial configuration compared to some other frameworks.
  • Lack of official guidance: React.js is primarily a library for building user interfaces, which means it does not provide official solutions for other aspects of web development, such as routing or state management. Developers often rely on third-party libraries, which can introduce complexity and a fragmented ecosystem.
  • Performance concerns: While React's virtual DOM and efficient diffing algorithm improve performance, excessive rendering of components or inefficient state management can still impact performance. Careful optimization and understanding of React's best practices are necessary for high-performance applications.
  • Tooling and build setup: Setting up a development environment and build configuration for a React project can be complex, especially for beginners. Understanding tools like Webpack and Babel, and configuring them correctly, may require additional effort.

when to use React.js and when not to use it

Here are some scenarios where using React.js is beneficial and situations where other alternatives might be more suitable:

when to use React.js:

  • Building dynamic web applications: React.js excels at creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces. If your project involves frequent UI updates, complex state management, or real-time data, React's component-based architecture and virtual DOM can provide significant benefits.
  • Single-page applications (SPAs): React.js is well-suited for building SPAs where all content is loaded once, and subsequent changes are handled dynamically without full page reloads. React's efficient rendering and state management make it an excellent choice for SPAs.
  • Large-scale applications: React's component-based architecture and modularity make it an excellent choice for large-scale applications. It allows for code reuse, maintainability, and easier team collaboration.
  • Mobile app development: React Native, which is built on top of React.js, is a popular framework for developing cross-platform mobile applications. If you're targeting iOS and Android and want to reuse code and skills, React Native can be a great choice.

when not to use React.js:

  • Simple static websites: If your project is a simple static website with minimal interactivity, using React.js may introduce unnecessary complexity. In such cases, static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can suffice without the need for a full-fledged library or framework.
  • SEO-centric websites: While React.js can be made SEO-friendly, it requires additional effort and configuration. If your project heavily relies on search engine optimization (SEO) and server-side rendering is a priority, other frameworks like Next.js or traditional server-side technologies may be more suitable.
  • Tight deadlines or small projects: React.js, with its component-based architecture and learning curve, may require more time and effort to set up and get started compared to simpler frameworks or libraries. If you have tight deadlines or a small-scale project, a lightweight alternative like jQuery or vanilla JavaScript may be more appropriate.

It's essential to assess your project's specific requirements, complexity, team expertise, and long-term goals before deciding whether to use React.js or explore other alternatives. Working with EPAM Startups & SMBs, you’ll have our technology experts and consultants to back you up.

top 10 React.js libraries and frameworks

Here are some of the top React.js libraries and frameworks that you might find useful for your projects:

  1. Redux: Redux is a predictable state container that helps manage the application state in a centralized manner. It works well with React.js and provides a clear and efficient way to handle complex state management.
  2. React Router: React Router is a popular routing library for React.js. It allows you to handle client-side routing and navigation in your React applications. It defines routes in a declarative way and maps them to specific components.
  3. Axios: Axios is a widely used HTTP client library that simplifies making asynchronous HTTP requests from your React applications. It provides an easy-to-use API for sending requests, handling responses, and managing interceptors.
  4. Material-UI: Material-UI is a UI component library that follows Google's Material Design principles. It offers a rich set of pre-built and customizable UI components, making it easier to create visually appealing and responsive user interfaces.
  5. React Bootstrap: React Bootstrap is a library that combines React.js and Bootstrap, a popular CSS framework. It provides a set of reusable UI components that are built on top of Bootstrap's styles and functionality.
  6. Formik: Formik is a form management library for React.js applications. It simplifies the process of building and validating complex forms, handling form state, and managing form submissions with ease.
  7. Next.js: Next.js is a full-featured framework for building server-rendered React applications. It provides server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and simple routing, making it an excellent choice for building SEO-friendly React applications.
  8. Gatsby: Gatsby is another powerful framework that combines React.js with modern web technologies to build fast and optimized websites. It offers features like static site generation, serverless functions, and data sourcing from various CMSs.
  9. React Query: React Query is a library for managing remote data in React applications. It simplifies fetching, caching, synchronizing, and updating server data, providing a seamless experience for handling data-driven applications.
  10. Styled Components: Styled Components is a CSS-in-JS library that allows you to write CSS code within your JavaScript files. It enables you to create and style React components using a component-based approach, improving encapsulation and reusability.

the role of a React JS developer

A React.js developer plays a crucial role in designing and developing web applications using the React.js library. Their responsibilities and tasks typically include:

  • Develop web applications using React.js.
  • Create reusable and modular UI components.
  • Manage state using local state or state management libraries like Redux.
  • Implement user interface designs and ensure UI/UX requirements are met.
  • Optimize performance by minimizing re-renders and updating the virtual DOM efficiently.
  • Integrate with server-side APIs and handle data retrieval and updates.
  • Write unit tests, debug, and ensure application reliability and quality.
  • Collaborate with team members and use version control for code management.
  • Stay updated with the latest React.js trends, best practices, and libraries.
  • Troubleshoot issues, debug errors, and fix bugs.

hard skills of a ReactJS programmer

junior React.js programmer (front-end):

  • Proficiency in JavaScript fundamentals (ES6+).
  • Understanding of HTML and CSS.
  • Basic knowledge of React.js and its core concepts.
  • Ability to build simple React components and handle basic state management.
  • Familiarity with version control systems like Git.
  • Basic understanding of RESTful APIs and asynchronous JavaScript (AJAX).

junior React.js programmer (full-stack):

  • Proficiency in the skills mentioned above.
  • Understanding of backend technologies like Node.js or Python.
  • Familiarity with server-side frameworks like Express.js or Django.
  • Basic knowledge of database systems like MySQL or MongoDB.
  • Ability to build simple full-stack applications using React.js for the frontend and a backend framework for the server.

middle React.js programmer (front-end):

  • Strong proficiency in JavaScript, including ES6+ features.
  • In-depth knowledge of React.js and its core concepts.
  • Knowledge of state management libraries like Redux or MobX.
  • Proficiency in writing clean and efficient code using best practices.
  • Knowledge of UI/UX principles and ability to implement complex designs.
  • Understanding of frontend build tools like Webpack or Babel.
  • Familiarity with testing frameworks like Jest or React Testing Library.

middle React.js programmer (full-stack):

  • Proficiency in the skills mentioned for middle front-end React.js programmers.
  • Strong understanding of backend technologies and frameworks.
  • Experience with building RESTful APIs and handling data retrieval and updates.
  • Knowledge of database systems and query languages (e.g., SQL).
  • Ability to design and develop server-side functionalities in a full-stack application.

senior React.js programmer (front-end):

  • Expert-level proficiency in JavaScript and React.js.
  • Extensive experience with complex state management solutions and architecture.
  • Deep understanding of performance optimization techniques in React.js applications.
  • Ability to architect large-scale, modular, and reusable codebases.
  • Experience with server-side rendering and optimizing for SEO.
  • Proficiency in using advanced front-end tools and frameworks.
  • Knowledge of accessibility standards and best practices.
  • Mentoring and guiding junior and middle-level developers.

senior React.js programmer (full-stack):

  • Proficiency in the skills mentioned for senior front-end React.js programmers.
  • Strong expertise in backend technologies and frameworks.
  • Experience with designing and implementing secure authentication and authorization systems.
  • Ability to optimize database queries and ensure data integrity.
  • Understanding of cloud platforms and deployment processes.

team lead React.js programmer:

  • Proficiency in all the skills mentioned for senior React.js programmers.
  • Leadership and project management skills to guide and manage a development team.
  • Experience in architectural decision-making and system design.
  • Ability to plan and estimate project timelines and deliverables.
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills for coordinating with stakeholders.

soft skills of a React.js developer

Here's a short list of important soft skills for a React.js developer:

  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • Collaboration
  • Continuous learning
  • Attention to detail
  • Time management
  • Communication
  • Analytical thinking
  • Creativity
  • User experience focus

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