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telecom software development services

EPAM Startups & SMBs is a digital talent engagement platform created by EPAM for organizations who need technology assistance for small and medium-sized IT projects. We rely on EPAM’s solid experience in software development for telecom to supply our clients with senior tech talent that provide enterprise-level technology delivery.

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    Strengthening customers relationships
    Telecommunication software development firms are now receiving more requests for cloud infrastructure implementation and network optimization that speeds up releases and enhances performance indicators. All these factors have a positive impact on telecom services delivery to end consumers. Good support and self-service applications contribute to greater loyalty. Using platform of EPAM Startups & SMBs you can request experienced telecom software engineers to handle projects of any complexity.
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    Improving the efficiency of telecom network management
    Well-thought network management tools accelerate service delivery and reduce operational costs significantly. Great data analytics solutions also may help with the prioritization of automation among different networks components and operational processes. Combining deep business analysis with telecom DevOps services on the mission of improving the efficiency of telecom network management companies can see business results really fast. Our platform is here to provide you with vetted developers of any caliber.
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    Leveraging big data to gain a competitive advantage
    The telecom industry has abundant big data sources for both internal use purposes and for monetization through data-based product delivery. Well-structured data visualization and reports are critical tools of telecom business intelligence. Partnering up with a custom telecom software development company you can figure out how to attain new revenue streams and business insights with your big data. Our platform gives you access to proven technology experts with backgrounds in both big data and telecommunications.
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    Reducing primary business expenses in the long run
    Optimizing networks infrastructure businesses mostly pay attention to performance indicators and opportunities for better service delivery. However, the consequence of infrastructure optimization and operations automation is reduced expenses on different levels and units. Prioritization supported with business intelligence tools will help to get the most financial benefits during transformation. EPAM Startups & SMBs connects you with software engineering professionals who proved their expertise on projects with telecommunications industry leaders.
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With EPAM Startups & SMBs you get experienced telecom software developers with appropriate technology stacks and relevant case studies in portfolios that include:

Operations Support Systems (OSS) development and modernization

Monitoring and VoIP-based solutions

  • Performance monitoring and management tools
  • Trouble ticketing tools
  • Network resources inventory management solutions
  • Billing management software
  • Fraud protection and fault management solutions
  • Call accounting software
  • Data analytics & reports
  • Server-side apps
  • Connectivity solutions
  • Video and audio applications
  • Online conferencing platforms
  • Customized SIP-clients
Business Support Systems (BSS) development and modernization
  • CRM development and integrations
  • ERP systems
  • Task and document management tools
  • Billing & accounting solutions
  • Subscription plans development and charging solutions
  • Corporate portals
  • Personnel management tools
  • Custom web and mobile applications
  • Custom business automation solutions
Data-driven solutions for Telecom
  • Telecommunications data management system
  • Data visualization tools
  • Customizable reports generation
  • Predictive analytics solutions
  • Data mining and processing solutions
  • Data warehousing costs optimization


IoT will generate estimated USD $1.8 trillion revenue for mobile network operators by 2026 according to analyst house Machina Research. The world telecom cloud market is expected to grow from USD $19.8 billion in 2021 to USD $52.3 billion by 2026, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 21.4%. Economic Times research shows that 63.5% of telecom operators are investing in AI systems to improve their infrastructure. Now is the best time to embrace all future-proof possibilities whether your company is small, midsize, or startup!

EPAM Startups & SMBs assembles a development team of top dedicated IT talent to deliver telecom software solutions to cover all business needs including:

IoT solutions for Telecom

Expand your business opportunities and take all benefits of remote network management with the power of the cloud and connectivity.

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Cloud-based infrastructure implementation

Adopt cloud infrastructure to cut expenses and embrace the large-scale transformation with faster service delivery and stronger resilience.

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AI-driven data analytics

Improve network performance and maintenance, provide customers with better-personalized experiences, and invent new revenue streams with big data & AI.

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Telecom application development

Provide your customers with top-notch video, audio, text, image, and media files exchange environments under your brand.

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DevOps for telecom

Improve release speed, optimize maintenance costs, speed up updates and acquire a more wholesome network management environment.

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Telecom enterprise software development

Cover all your corporate telecommunication needs with telecom API integration or building custom telecom solutions.

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Our platform gives you access to the top EPAM developers with abundant expertise in both hardware and software development for the telecommunications industry. Here’re some bright case study examples:

New big data platform for Telefonica Germany

Implemented solutions enabled:

  • Full data access on Hadoop from Oracle
  • Publishing to Oracle using the following methods
  • Sqoop
  • Oracle Loader for Hadoop (OLH)
  • Using JDBC interface
  • Using OCI Direct Path interface
  • Approaches to Cluster Management: user and resource management
  • Get data running 10 times faster
Creation of Fastweb’s FASTGate modem for better home connectivity
  • Research delivering insights about modem users’ behavior and troubleshooting aspects
  • Design of FASTGate modem, which delivers a more independent at-home connectivity experience
  • Development of software ecosystem around FASTGate modem: the packaging, and a companion web- and mobile app
  • The web- and mobile apps let users control internet-driven devices and activities
  • Consumers can set bandwidth use limits on a per-device basis, parental controls, and specific usage settings based on time of day
Solution for delivering a multiplatform viewing experience for Turner Next-Gen TV
  • Research delivering insights about difficulties and preferences in online TV experiences, also the tech capabilities of Turner systems
  • Development of the concept for Turner’s new online viewing platform, including the critical documentation and core design assets
  • Platform optimization for the key forms of connected devices (laptops, tablets, smartphones, smart TVs)
  • Development of personalization solutions

Benefits of telecom solutions development with EPAM Startups & SMBs



With EPAM Startups & SMBs you’ll get handpicked specialists led by a project management expert to quickly satisfy your operational and project needs. We developed solid delivery practices under conditions of remote work long before the whole world was forced to enter this game. We have already learned from all pitfalls of remote development that you may go through with newbie freelancers and transformed it into a resilient delivery methodology.



All the specialists you hire from EPAM Startups & SMBs are trained in security compliance standards both as service providers and tech solutions developers. The EBA platform that we use as a virtual development environment has inbuilt GDPR/PII compliance principles.



Our platform is a perfect environment not only for selecting dedicated specialists by project-based tailor needs but is also well integrated remote workspace with all necessary progress monitoring and management tools. EPAM Startups & SMBs was designed with the client’s security and developers’ comfort in mind and proved to be an extra convenient cooperation tool for both sides.



Startups and SMBs really CAN get enterprise-level technology service and they 100% WILL get it with EPAM Startups & SMBs. We provide you with developers right from EPAM’s IT talent pool, where your future developers have served such companies as Telefonica, Turner Entertainment Network, and many other innovation and transformation pioneers. This means that our developers have most likely already solved challenges you have only started to address.

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We found working with EPAM has been a true partnership, where they’ve proven themselves to be a reliable, trustworthy and hardworking team that has really helped us push the boundary of customer-centric innovation.


We chose EPAM to develop a native mobile extension of an existing enterprise application. They were able to quickly identify the needs of our project and collaborate with key individuals within our organization to not only deliver the application on-time, but make significant improvements to our existing core application.


The trusted EPAM team has helped us push the boundaries of customer-centric innovation. With programs like Horizon 4, we need the ability of our development partners to stay on track. And EPAM stands for that.

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