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hire JavaScript developers

With EPAM Startups & SMBs, companies of all sizes can hire JavaScript developers with multi-industry commercial experience. Upscale your team with your required capabilities or go for end-to-end development with us.

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meet our featured JavaScript developers

Andrey V.
lead Javascript developer

Expert in JavaScript, Andrey develops interactive web applications that enhance user experience. His tech stack includes React, Node.js, and Angular, which he uses to deliver top-notch solutions.

Expert in JavaScript, Andrey develops interactive web applications that enhance user experience. His tech stack includes React, Node.js, and Angular, which he uses to deliver top-notch solutions.

Yaroslav D.
senior software engineering manager

With vast experience, Yaroslav excels in leading teams and delivering high-quality software solutions. His expertise spans across Java, Python, and C++, allowing him to manage diverse projects effectively.

With vast experience, Yaroslav excels in leading teams and delivering high-quality software solutions. His expertise spans across Java, Python, and C++, allowing him to manage diverse projects effectively.

Tamas M.
software architect

Tamas, a software architect, specializes in designing and implementing software systems that are both efficient and scalable.

Tamas, a software architect, specializes in designing and implementing software systems that are both efficient and scalable.

Pavel K.
JavaScript development team lead

Pavel, a JavaScript development team lead, mentors a team of developers using his extensive knowledge of JavaScript and its frameworks. His proficiency in React, Vue.js, and Node.js ensures high-quality project delivery.

Pavel, a JavaScript development team lead, mentors a team of developers using his extensive knowledge of JavaScript and its frameworks. His proficiency in React, Vue.js, and Node.js ensures high-quality project delivery.

Andrei A.
lead software engineer

Andrei, a lead software engineer, creates efficient, scalable systems. His tech stack includes Java, Python, and C++, which he uses to develop robust and reliable software.

Andrei, a lead software engineer, creates efficient, scalable systems. His tech stack includes Java, Python, and C++, which he uses to develop robust and reliable software.

Aliaksei A.
fullstack JS developer

A fullstack JS developer, Aliaksei is proficient in both front-end and back-end development. His expertise in JavaScript, Node.js, and MongoDB enables him to create comprehensive applications.

A fullstack JS developer, Aliaksei is proficient in both front-end and back-end development. His expertise in JavaScript, Node.js, and MongoDB enables him to create comprehensive applications.

dedicated Javascript developers that fit your team
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why hire JavaScript developers with us

Our JavaScript programmers have the required expertise to join the project at any development stage and carry out complex tasks to ensure your product is delivered to end users flawlessly.

  • certification-flat.svg
    5,500+ JavaScript developers
    Choose from thousands of JavaScript programmers for hire who can join your team within 2 to 4 weeks from the initial request. Our talents are not freelancers but full-time employees who take up one project at a time and deliver quality over quantity.
  • growth.svg
    time-tested quality guarantee
    Backed with 30+ years of EPAM’s track record, our JavaScript developers are not only skilled in full-stack JavaScript, HTML and CSS, and multiple JavaScript frameworks, but are also growing their skills thanks to EPAM’s well-defined continuous learning culture.
  • language-skills-flat.svg
    remote work natives
    EPAM Startups & SMBs is a community of like-minded individuals who pride themselves on collaborating remotely and effectively with partners worldwide. With JavaScript developers available for hire from 50+ locations, you can customize your team’s capabilities, time zone availability, and cultural fit.
  • automotive-flat.svg
    experts in your industry
    With access to expert-level professionals, we can ensure that the selected candidates will match your needs and be knowledgeable in your particular business domain. Hire JavaScript programmers with experience in fintech, retail, gaming, and more.

how to hire JavaScript developers with EPAM Startups & SMBs

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JavaScript services with EPAM Startups & SMBs

With a diverse experience in the industry and having worked with companies of all sizes, our JavaScript developers can elevate your project and show an individual approach to your needs in addition to great teamwork and problem solving skills. We provide client-side and server-side software development using the best of the Java Script tech stack and latest front-end technologies to create stunning web pages and engaging mobile interfaces.

JavaScript development
We offer JavaScript development services, providing robust and scalable solutions to meet your business needs.
Node.js development
Our skilled developers leverage the power of Node.js to create efficient and lightweight applications.
web development
When you hire JS programmers with us, you are sure to receive web application solutions that fit your business objectives.

add 100+ tech capabilities to your project

You can not only find JavaScript programmers who will elevate your project but also create a multi-competent team of talented developers and reach your business objectives faster and with guaranteed quality. We’re experts in front-end and back-end development, widely-used programming languages, full-cycle web design and web development services.


We found working with EPAM has been a true partnership, where they’ve proven themselves to be a reliable, trustworthy and hardworking team that has really helped us push the boundary of customer-centric innovation.


We chose EPAM to develop a native mobile extension of an existing enterprise application. They were able to quickly identify the needs of our project and collaborate with key individuals within our organization to not only deliver the application on-time, but make significant improvements to our existing core application.


The trusted EPAM team has helped us push the boundaries of customer-centric innovation. With programs like Horizon 4, we need the ability of our development partners to stay on track. And EPAM stands for that.

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the pros & cons of JavaScript for backend development

JavaScript is a popular programming language used for both frontend and backend development. While it has some advantages for backend development, it also has drawbacks. Let’s look at some pros and cons of using JavaScript for backend development:


  • Scalability: JavaScript can handle large-scale applications and has a high concurrency level, meaning it can handle many requests simultaneously.
  • Speed: JavaScript runs on the V8 engine, known for its speed and efficiency.
  • Asynchronous nature: In JavaScript, the server handles multiple requests simultaneously without waiting for each request to finish before starting the next one. This can help improve your server's overall efficiency and speed, especially when dealing with a large number of requests.


  • Security: JavaScript is a client-side language not initially designed for backend development. As a result, it may have a different level of security features than other languages explicitly designed for backend development.
  • Limited libraries: While many libraries and frameworks are available for JavaScript, they may be less robust and mature than those available for other backend languages.
  • Lack of type checking: JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, which can be more prone to errors and bugs than statically typed languages.

Overall, JavaScript can be a good choice for backend development, especially when you hire experienced developers who know the ins and outs of JavaScript programming.

When to use JavaScript for the backend and when not

Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether to use JavaScript for back-end development:

When to use JavaScript for backend development:

  • If you already use JavaScript for frontend development: This can provide a consistent development experience and easier code maintenance.
  • If you need real-time web applications: JavaScript is ideal for web applications that require continuous communication between the client and server, such as chat applications, real-time gaming, and collaborative tools.
  • If you need a scalable solution: JavaScript offers scalability with its non-blocking I/O model, which means it can handle multiple requests simultaneously without blocking the execution of other tasks.

When not to use JavaScript for backend development:

  • If you require high security: JavaScript is a client-side language and may not be the best choice for security-sensitive applications. Although there are ways to secure JavaScript code, it may provide a different level of security than other languages specifically designed for backend development.
  • If you need a high-performance application: JavaScript is an interpreted language and may be slower than compiled languages such as C++, Java, or Go. A compiled language may be a better choice if you need to build a high-performance application.
  • If you have a large, complex application: While JavaScript is scalable, there may be better choices for large, complex applications that require advanced data processing or high computational power.

Ultimately, the decision to use JavaScript for backend development depends on the specific requirements of your project. Our vetted software consultants will eagerly help you pick the best development language for your business needs.

the role of a JavaScript developer

JavaScript developers can perform various tasks depending on your project requirements. Here are some of the common responsibilities of JavaScript engineers:

  • Build high-quality, clean, and scalable code following the latest best practices in software engineering
  • Collaborate with other software developers in the team
  • Maintain code documentation
  • Develop new features and customize the product functionality to meet the specific customer needs

It is also important to consider the industry and complexity of your project when you hire JavaScript developers.

hard skills of a JavaScript programmer

When hiring JavaScript programmers, there are several hard skills that are essential to look for order to ensure proficiency in your work. Some of the most important hard skills for a JavaScript programmer include:

Junior JavaScript developer:

  • Knowledge of JavaScript syntax and semantics
  • Familiarity with web technologies such as HTML and CSS
  • Basic understanding of frontend frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue
  • Understanding of debugging and problem-solving skills
  • Familiarity with version control systems like Git

Middle JavaScript developer:

  • Proficiency in web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Strong knowledge of JavaScript syntax and semantics
  • Proficiency in at least one frontend framework like React, Angular, or Vue
  • Familiarity with backend technologies like Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB or SQL
  • Knowledge of testing frameworks like Jest, Mocha, or Cypress
  • Understanding of asynchronous programming concepts like callbacks, promises, and async/await

Senior JavaScript developer:

  • Expertise in web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Expert knowledge of JavaScript syntax and semantics
  • Proficiency in multiple frontend frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue
  • Strong understanding of backend technologies like Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB or SQL
  • Expertise in testing frameworks like Jest, Mocha, or Cypress
  • Strong understanding of asynchronous programming concepts like callbacks, promises, and async/await
  • Knowledge of automation tools like Webpack, Grunt, or Gulp

JavaScript team lead:

  • Leadership skills to guide and mentor a team of developers
  • Expertise in all aspects of web development including frontend and backend technologies
  • Strong understanding of software architecture and design patterns
  • Knowledge of agile development methodologies
  • Expertise in testing and automation tools
  • Ability to communicate effectively with other team members and stakeholders
  • Experience in project management and delivery

Besides the seniority level, JavaScript development experience can be differentiated into frontend, backend and full-stack development roles, which have their specific requirements and technical skills to consider. Let’s see some of the basic skills of each of them.

Frontend JavaScript developer:

  • Proficiency in web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Strong knowledge of JavaScript syntax and semantics
  • Proficiency in at least one frontend framework like React, Angular, or Vue
  • Familiarity with web development tools like Chrome DevTools and Redux
  • Understanding of debugging and problem-solving skills

Backend JavaScript developer:

  • Proficiency in server-side technologies like Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB or SQL
  • Knowledge of RESTful API development and integration
  • Familiarity with cloud-based services like AWS or Azure
  • Familiarity with message queues such as RabbitMQ or Kafka
  • Knowledge of server-side rendering and caching
  • Understanding of debugging and problem-solving skills

Full-stack JavaScript developer:

  • Proficiency in web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Strong knowledge of JavaScript syntax and semantics
  • Proficiency in at least one frontend framework like React, Angular, or Vue
  • Familiarity with backend technologies like Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB or SQL
  • Knowledge of RESTful API development and integration
  • Knowledge of testing frameworks like Jest, Mocha, or Cypress
  • Understanding of asynchronous programming concepts like callbacks, promises, and async/await
  • Familiarity with version control systems like Git

Depending on your project complexity, you’ll require a specific level of proficiency of JavaScript developers. The team of EPAM Startups & SMBs will help you match the best talent to your project and provide you with upscaling options as your needs evolve.

soft skills of a JavaScript programmer

In addition to technical skills, soft skills are also important for JavaScript developers. Soft skills enable effective communication, collaboration, and relationship-building with other team members, stakeholders, and clients. Some of the key soft skills that are important for a JavaScript developer include:

  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Time management
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • Attention to detail
  • Customer service

These soft skills are critical for the success of a JavaScript developer, regardless of their level of expertise.

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