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key facts about
our fraud prevention software company

DevTestSecOps professionals
platforms in digital risk management co-created with clients
security architects, engineers, and consultants

our fraud prevention
software development services

Our services are tailored to address specific fraud risks and challenges, providing comprehensive protection against financial losses and reputational damage.

payment fraud detection

Our payment fraud detection services are designed to identify and prevent fraudulent activities related to financial transactions. By leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, we analyze transaction patterns, anomalies, and suspicious activities to mitigate the risk of payment fraud.

identity theft protection

We offer identity theft protection solutions to safeguard individuals' personal and financial information from unauthorized access and misuse. Through robust identity verification processes and continuous monitoring, we detect and mitigate threats associated with identity theft, helping to prevent fraud and reputational damage.

transaction monitoring

Our transaction monitoring services involve real-time monitoring of financial transactions to detect and prevent fraudulent activities. By analyzing transactional data and patterns, we identify anomalies and suspicious behavior, enabling prompt intervention to mitigate risks and prevent fraudulent transactions.

ecommerce fraud prevention

We specialize in ecommerce fraud prevention solutions tailored to the unique challenges of online transactions. Through behavioral analytics, device fingerprinting, and fraud scoring, we detect and prevent fraudulent activities such as account takeover, card-not-present fraud, and fraudulent purchases in ecommerce environments.

data breach detection

Our data breach detection services aim to identify and mitigate security breaches that could compromise sensitive data. Through continuous monitoring of network traffic, system logs, and security events, we detect unauthorized access attempts, data exfiltration, and other indicators of a potential data breach, enabling timely response and remediation.

phishing and email fraud detection

We specialize in detection solutions for phishing and email fraud to protect organizations and individuals from phishing attacks and email scams. By analyzing email headers, content, and sender behavior, we identify phishing attempts, malicious links and spoofed emails, helping to prevent unauthorized access and data theft.

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our fraud detection
and prevention technologies

Our fraud detection and prevention technology stack provides robust protection against fraudulent activities, allowing organizations to safeguard their assets, reputation, and customer trust.

data analytics

We can detect suspicious activities and potential fraud attempts by identifying patterns, anomalies, and trends, enabling timely intervention and mitigation.

We can detect suspicious activities and potential fraud attempts by identifying patterns, anomalies, and trends, enabling timely intervention and mitigation.

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machine learning models

These models learn from historical data to identify patterns indicative of fraudulent behavior, allowing us to adapt and evolve our detection capabilities to combat emerging threats.

These models learn from historical data to identify patterns indicative of fraudulent behavior, allowing us to adapt and evolve our detection capabilities to combat emerging threats.

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integration with external data sources

By accessing additional data sources such as public records, social media, and third-party fraud databases, we enhance our ability to detect and prevent fraudulent activities across multiple channels and touchpoints.

By accessing additional data sources such as public records, social media, and third-party fraud databases, we enhance our ability to detect and prevent fraudulent activities across multiple channels and touchpoints.

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continuous maintenance and support

Our dedicated team monitors system performance, updates algorithms, and responds to emerging threats, ensuring your organization remains protected against evolving fraud schemes.

Our dedicated team monitors system performance, updates algorithms, and responds to emerging threats, ensuring your organization remains protected against evolving fraud schemes.

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we implement industry-specific
fraud prevention software

investment banking compliance

Our expertise lies in implementing robust anti-fraud measures that align with the complex compliance and regulatory landscape of investment banking. We ensure that financial institutions adhere to stringent regulations while effectively mitigating fraud risks.

anti-money laundering automation for financial services

We specialize in automating anti-money laundering (AML) processes for financial services organizations. By leveraging advanced technologies, we streamline AML operations, enhance detection capabilities, and reduce the risk of illicit financial activities.

risk calculation in fintech

We excel in implementing sophisticated risk calculation models tailored to the specific needs of fintech companies. Our online fraud prevention solutions enable fintech firms to assess and mitigate fraud risks accurately, safeguarding their operations and maintaining customer trust.

security assessment for insurance providers

Our team conducts comprehensive risk assessment processes for insurance providers to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen their defenses against fraud-related threats. We help insurance companies enhance their security posture and protect sensitive customer data from potential breaches.

why choose our digital
core banking software solutions

By choosing our fraud prevention company, you can access security accelerators that streamline implementation, tech partnerships that unlock innovative solutions, and a global network of experts to support your fraud prevention initiatives.

security accelerators

Our company offers security accelerators that expedite the implementation of fraud prevention measures. These accelerators leverage pre-built frameworks, best practices and industry-specific templates to rapidly deploy effective security solutions, saving time and resources for our clients.

tech partnerships with world-leading platform enablers

We have established strategic partnerships with world-leading platform enablers, including technology vendors, data providers, and cybersecurity experts. These partnerships enable us to access innovative solutions and specialized expertise, enhancing the effectiveness and scalability of our fraud prevention offerings.

locations across 55 countries and regions

With 400+ locations globally, we offer localized support and expertise to clients worldwide. Our global reach ensures that we can effectively address the fraud prevention needs of organizations operating in diverse geographic regions, providing personalized solutions tailored to local requirements and regulations.

how we deliver fraud detection as a service

Through our streamlined approach to delivering fraud detection as a service, we empower organizations to enhance their fraud prevention efforts and protect their assets from financial losses and reputational damage through various engagement models.

We begin by conducting a thorough needs assessment to understand your organization's specific requirements, challenges, and goals related to fraud detection. This helps us tailor our service to meet your unique needs effectively.
Based on the needs assessment, we design a customized fraud detection solution that aligns with your organization's objectives and requirements. Our solution incorporates advanced technologies, analytics tools, and industry best practices to maximize fraud detection accuracy and effectiveness.
Once the solution is finalized, we facilitate onboarding to seamlessly integrate our fraud detection service into your existing infrastructure and operations. We provide training and support to ensure your team is fully equipped to utilize the service effectively.
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what our clients say

We at EPAM are happy to deliver excellent results and prove our expertise time and again with clients that range from small and medium to enterprise-size businesses.


We found working with EPAM has been a true partnership, where they’ve proven themselves to be a reliable, trustworthy and hardworking team that has really helped us push the boundary of customer-centric innovation.

Zac Carman Managing Director Products, Consumer Affairs

The trusted EPAM team has helped us push the boundaries of customer-centric innovation. With programs like Horizon 4, we need the ability of our development partners to stay on track. And EPAM stands for that.

Mark Giesbers Managing Director Products, Liberty Global

We chose EPAM to develop a native mobile extension of an existing enterprise application. They were able to quickly identify the needs of our project and collaborate with key individuals within our organization to not only deliver the application on-time, but make significant improvements to our existing core application.

Justin Catalana CEO, Fort Point Beer Company

how to choose the right fraud prevention vendor

In today's digital age, businesses face an ever-growing threat of fraud. From payment fraud to identity theft, the stakes are high, and companies must be vigilant in protecting their assets and reputation. That's where fraud prevention solutions come into play. But with many options available in the market, selecting the right fraud prevention vendor can be daunting. This guide will explore critical factors to consider when choosing a fraud prevention vendor to safeguard your business against fraud.

  • Expertise and experience: Look for a fraud prevention company with a proven track record and extensive experience in the industry. A fraud detection company specializing in fraud detection solutions will have the knowledge and expertise to effectively identify and mitigate various types of fraud.
  • Comprehensive solutions: Seek out a vendor that offers comprehensive fraud prevention solutions encompassing fraud detection, management, and prevention. From online fraud prevention solutions to fraud screening services, ensure the vendor can address all your fraud-related needs.
  • Advanced technology: Choose a vendor that leverages advanced technology and fraud protection software to stay ahead of fraudsters. Look for features such as machine learning algorithms, real-time monitoring, and predictive analytics to detect and prevent real-time fraud.
  • Customization and scalability: Every business is unique, so opt for a vendor that can tailor their fraud prevention solutions to suit your requirements. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, ensure the vendor's solutions are scalable and can grow with your business.
  • Compliance and regulation: Fraud prevention is not just about protecting your business — it's also about staying compliant with relevant laws and regulations. Choose a vendor that understands the regulatory landscape and can help you navigate compliance requirements such as GDPR, PCI DSS, etc.
  • Transparent pricing: Transparency is key when it comes to pricing. Select a vendor that offers transparent pricing models with no hidden fees or surprises. Ask about pricing for fraud detection systems, fraud management solutions, and any additional services you may require.
  • Customer support and training: A vendor's commitment to customer support and training can make a difference. Choose a vendor that provides comprehensive training and ongoing support to help you maximize the effectiveness of their fraud prevention solutions.
  • Reputation and reviews: Do your due diligence and research the vendor's reputation in the industry. Look for reviews, testimonials, and case studies from satisfied customers to gauge the vendor's reliability and credibility.
  • Flexibility and integration: Ensure the vendor's fraud prevention solutions seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and processes. Flexibility is essential, so opt for a vendor that offers customizable solutions to meet your unique business needs.
  • Continuous improvement: Select a vendor committed to continuous improvement and innovation in fraud prevention. Choose a vendor that stays ahead of emerging fraud trends and regularly updates its solutions to provide maximum fraud protection.

In conclusion, selecting the right fraud prevention vendor is a critical decision that can significantly impact your business's security and success. By considering factors such as expertise, technology, customization, compliance, pricing, customer support, reputation, flexibility, and continuous improvement, you can choose a vendor that provides effective fraud prevention solutions tailored to your needs. Don't wait until it's too late — invest in fraud prevention today to safeguard your business against fraudulent activities tomorrow.

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